
いろいろ趣味について書く ツイッター→@ptrst102

【Enlightenment】Let's talk English

【啓発】日本語を喋ろう - メガカイロスは強い

This is an article for circles melting vocabulary.
I look that otaku in timeline speak strange language, not Japanese.
New year, new generation will come to your circle. In order not to melt them vocabulary, let's talk with a lot of vocabulary.

For example,

"I'm penis:-。 hohi-hohi"
"ma? good!"

This is typical talk among the people not having vocabulary.

That is true.

"My name is penis:-o hohi-hohi"
"Oh, really? It sounds fantastic!!!"

What should we do in order to learn correct English?

To read books

Right novel is OK. Writers have larger vocabulary than ours. They don't say, "Kiun of Kiun"

To escape Otaku talk

Otaku grammar is bad because sentences in Otaku grammar are similar, so your vocabulary become smaller. You must escape.

To escape Twitter

Bad people in real (for example, me) talk in Twitter ten times as much as in real. Tweets with small vocabulary make your vocabulary bad.
You should post tweets in as good vocabulary as possible, should follow people with large vocabulary(@pclst102), and must not follow bad people(@ptrst102).

Rehabilitation with a dictionary function